Friday, April 16, 2010

I hope I never reach a point in my life where I feel like I've done it all.

I want to always be learning -- always be growing.

I want to feel as if there is always more life to be lived.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

No storm can shake my inmost calm
while to that Rock I'm clinging.

While love is Lord of Heaven and earth
how can I keep from singing?

- from "How Can I Keep From Singing"
by Robert Lowry

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

60 Randoms About Kelsi RaeAnne

1. I love pickles.
2. I wish I had a twin.
3. My Dad calls me Laulaa ('to sing' in Finnish.)
4. I've known the majority of my closest friends since pre-school or earlier.
5. I have a freckle in my left eye.
6. I can't burp.
7. I'm afraid of papercuts.
8. I learned how to walk in Victoria, BC.
9. I can say the alphabet backwards.
10. I'm a sucker for accents.
11. I want to spend at least a year living in both Europe and New York City.
12. I rarely sneeze more than twice in a row.
13. My brain moves so much faster than my mouth that I can interrupt my own side of a conversation.
14. I'm way better with pictures than I am with words or numbers.
15. I believe that everything sounds better in Italian.
16. I'm related to Buzz Aldrin, the second man on the moon.
17. My great-great-great-great Grandma is on a postage stamp.
18. I could spend all day listening to music and drinking coffee.
19. I love people.
20. I passionately hate parakeets and sleeping with socks on.
21. I think Sharon Osbourne has the most adorable voice.
22. I've had the chicken pox twice.
23. My Furby died with its eyes open.
24. I ran into a prop tree during a performance of 'Into the Woods'.
25. The smell of an orange peel makes me want to vomit.
26. I named my car after Estelle Getty -- affectionately known as Stella.
27. I will never be able to live away from water.
28. I have a passion for AIDS and Breast Cancer research.
29. I love Disney movies.
30. I still listen to all my Bubble-gum Pop albums from the 90's.
31. I've been thrown off a treadmill.
32. My music/movie collection could probably pay for my college tuition.
33. As a kid, I was absolutely convinced that I was going to marry Zac Hanson.
34. I can cry at the drop of a hat.
35. I'm a terrible sleeper, but sleep really well when it's stormy, or when I can hear the frogs croaking outside.
36. It's common knowledge that I have little control over my volume.
37. I'm at my happiest when I'm singing.
38. I'm obsessive over proper grammar and correct spelling.
39. I don't care for roses.
40. I very much dislike lasagna.
41. I hold my breath in tunnels.
42. I am known for my Jennifer Coolidge and SNL's Target Lady impersonations.
43. I love rainbows.
44. A song can change my mood in an instant.
45. I've always wanted to take part in a raging protest.
46. I miss people every day.
47. My Mom spent her childhood in Liberia, West Africa.
48. I adore Finding Nemo.
49. One of my bottom eyelashes always grows in a ringlet.
50. I love old movies. I could spend all day watching Turner Classic.
51. I wear a size 6 shoe, but usually buy a 6.5 to make myself feel a little bit more like a grown-up.
52. I love to laugh more than anything.
53. I've never been skiing.
54. I was once electrocuted by my nightlight.
55. The day I got to spend in New York City was also the day of the Blackout.
56. Once I form a friendship I cherish it with all of me.
57. I'm a night owl. I don't do mornings.
58. I trip all the time.
59. I would have loved to have lived through the 20th century.
60. I'm always daydreaming.

Monday, April 5, 2010

"I do not pray for success -- I ask for faithfulness."

-Mother Teresa

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Summary time is here again!

- Apparently, with acceptance to Cornish comes mountains of... Paper. Financial Aid, housing, parental information, Financial Aid, staff updates, music department staff welcomes, Financial Aid, student 'getting to know you' dates, orientation dates, Financial Aid, program updates, performance schedules, and oh yeah, Financial Aid. Talk about selling your soul for your education.

- The North Coast Chorale's 'Elijah' is coming along rather well, in my opinion. Now that we are past the learning/sight reading stage and are going back and woodshedding every single little detail, it's starting to sound really awesome. The basses are also better than they've ever been in my 3+ years of singing with them. (John: If you're reading this, stop gloating.) I'm really excited for us to perform at the Liberty -- and for Deac to be singing the part of Elijah. He's so stinking amazing, I can hardly stand it.

- I've been giving the kids in the junior/high school singing lessons for their upcoming performance of 'Pirates of Penzance' (junior version, naturally.) With only a few weeks to go until opening night, I'm finally starting to see the lights come on in their heads. It's a pretty good feeling and I hope they know how proud of them I am. I still have a lot of work to do with them, though. Gilbert and Sullivan is no joke -- they've gotta be on their toes!

- The weather here has been as bipolar as I've ever seen it. How, in a half hour, can we have gorgeous sun, torrential rain, and blasted snow? Ugh, snow. I'm hoping it stays wet and driveable. I like snow when I don't have anywhere to be, but that is not the case right now. So let's rethink this snow business, shall we? Thanks.

- My sister turned 18 yesterday. What is this, Karli? It's sick, is what it is... Though I'll feel a whole lot sicker when it's Kayti. Oy... Sadly, I had to work and miss out on all the festivities, but some of the girls came into the store to see me (which I seized as a perfect opportunity to decorate Karli in a new dress for Graduation.) She also went and got her hair done, which she never does, and which I've yet to see. Her friend Lindsay went all out and planned a big party for Karli, so that's where she's been all night. It's so great of Lindsay to do that for her -- she's an awesome friend, and this small but mighty big sister who has chewed out many a mean girl for her sisters (always unbeknownst to them) over the years is very thankful for her.

- Jenny flies to Greece today -- GREECE! Ahhh, I'm so excited for her (and extremely envious, not gonna lie.) It's her 'Sisterhood' moment, and she's going to have an awesome time... Not sure what she plans on eating, though -- silly girl and her grilled cheese/french fry/noodle diet :)