Monday, November 1, 2010

Oh, wow. Someone needs to post something -- anything!

Alright, let's see... Summaries seems to be the easiest way to go, so... Let's figure out where I left off and start this thing!

- I'm finding myself quite happy in Seattle. I love the way the skyscrapers tower over me every day. I love how they glow against the black (and now, cloudy) Northwest skies. There is this one specific building... It's unlike any other in Seattle. The design and structure -- I don't know what it is about it, but it's absolutely beautiful. Definitely my favorite one here. I've yet to find out it's name, but... Give it time :)

- Classes are still going well...ish. My grades are fine and all that, it's just... So. Much. Work. It isn't just homework. I knew there would be a lot of that. This is college, after all. I'm not an idiot. But the amount of outside work that isn't defined as your your average load of bookwork is astounding. Hours upon hours of practice until all the notes you sing sound the same -- until your fingers are stuck in the position of the last chord you played. It's intense, and SO HARD to stay healthy with all the late nights and heavy work loads... Which seems kind of ridiculous, doesn't it? Not the working hard part, but the "I'm-gonna-assign-you-this-many-hours-of-work-tonight-but-get-lots-of-rest" part. Silly, but... Just gotta deal.

- My roommate is wonderful. I had prayed so hard that I wouldn't have a roommate that drove me insane. The Lord came through! I won the roommate lottery. She doesn't smell. She doesn't stay in our dark room all day. She doesn't give in to the usual 18-year old drama... I mean, not all the time. This is art school. Drama is how we thrive. I'm talking about the "you-talked-behind-my-back-so-I'm-putting-Vaseline-in-your-key-card-reader" drama (Yes. It's happened.) that she doesn't give in to. Makes my life a WHOLE lot easier.

- I've found a potential roommate for next year -- to live with OFF campus. I had seriously considered becoming an RA, but... Ugh. I don't hate living in the dorms, but if I don't have to do it again, I will LEAP at the chance not to. Anyway, it's pretty much a for sure thing, just gotta keep convincing my Pa, but... I have faith in my abilities ;)

- I'm very much looking forward to Thanksgiving. Very. Much. So. I'm excited to get to go home for a few days. I love Seattle, but Naselle is home. I love it, and I've got people to bother!!!

- I got to meet Rainn Wilson from 'The Office' last weekend. He's cool, and he likes how I spell my name. No big deal.

- I've been going to church with Conor and some of his friends from SPU. I LOVE it. Bethany Community Church in Greenlake -- go there. It's grand!


- I've discovered pour-over coffee. Heaven. Absolute Heaven.

- I found out a couple weeks ago that all of our music classes (s0, all but one of my classes) will all end 2 weeks before school gets out in order to leave us time to prepare for/perform in our ESP's: End of Semester Performances. So basically... This means that my classes end in 4 weeks. I'm beside myself with relief and excitement.

- My baby sister got moved up to varsity for the district volleyball tournament -- Go, Kayti! So proud of you baby girl <3