Sunday, March 28, 2010

Today was amazing.

I left church feeling refreshed and energized in a way that I haven't felt in a really long time. While I've been looking forward to all the new things beginning to take place in my life, today was the first time I've felt like I couldn't wait for them to happen. I've been ready, but afraid -- as would be natural, I suppose. Today, however, was the first time that I really started to think of all the things God has in store for me in the midst of all this change. I've always known God has a plan for me, I've always known that it would be good -- but I never really thought about just how amazing it can and will be until today. I was suddenly struck with a whole new amount of excitement and bravery for this new adventure -- for my purpose in life. I felt like a brand new person.

Then, on the way to Astoria, just as I was driving over the hill from Naselle to Knappton, I smiled at my favorite view in the valley -- the massive Columbia River and the Astoria Bridge peeking through the trees. But there was something more to the view today -- green. Tiny baby leaves had begun to poke their heads out from the tree branches, changing the world around me from grey and tired Winter, to green and joyful Spring.

The change in the season reflected the feeling of change in my life.

"...and everything that's new has bravely surfaced,
teaching us to breathe.
What was frozen through is newly purposed,
turning all things green.
So it is with You,
and how You make me new
with every season's change,
and so it will be
as You're re-creating me.

Summer. Autumn. Winter.


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