Sunday, January 31, 2010

"The dreams I have laid upon your heart, I have given.
They will come to pass at exactly the right time."

These are the words that get me through each day.

While fighting through the trials that all high school seniors muddle through as they begin the process from childhood to adulthood, I found myself ready to give up. I'd get online to fill out applications, and spend more time on MySpace (facebook was, at that time, exclusively for college students) than on the actual task at hand. I knew what it was that I wanted to do with my life, but at that point I was struggling. I wasn't ready to admit the dream to anyone, fearing they wouldn't understand and would just tell me that it wasn't "a real way to make a living." I was also afraid that if I chased the dream, I'd end up finding that it was completely unattainable for a naive small town girl -- but I couldn't just give up on it. I couldn't bring myself to plan a "real life" because that would mean that I had forgotten everything I had ever wanted.

I was lost in limbo -- between dream life and real life.

During one of my procrastination sessions on MySpace, I stumbled onto the profile of an old friend that I hadn't viewed in a long time. She had filled her "About Me" with her favorite Scripture verses -- I read through them, and one caught my eye:

"The dreams I have laid upon your heart, I have given.
They will come to pass at exactly the right time."

They were the words I needed.

I can't remember now why I had to get offline so suddenly, but I know I left before I could get its...uh... Biblical address, if you will -- the book, chapter, and verse.

The next day at school, the words kept playing over and over in my head. I rushed home to check my friend's profile for where in the Bible I could find that verse, and it was gone. The other verses were there, but mine was gone. I got on Google, typed it in, and clicked search... Nothing. I typed it in again, this time in quotations... Nothing. I tried Scripture searches all over the internet...

Nothing. Nowhere. Nonexistent.


I will never again let reality overshadow the dream.
It has been laid upon my heart for a reason.
It has been given.

It will come to pass at exactly the right time.

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